Organik Temple treasures from Mother Earth
ORGANIK TEMPLE is a collection of treasures from Mother
Earth each item is beautiful and unique bringing you peace and balance to your Mind, Body and Soul. Salt Lamps and Salt Therapy, Magnesium flakes, detox foot patches, Do terra essential oils and diffusers which will enhance any removal of sickness, Healing crystals which include tumbled stones, healing wands, healing lamps, organites, handmade bracelets and necklaces. handmade vintage dream catchers and sun catchers
organic nuts and honey, these are a few of my wonderful things......
I also have Ionic foot detox baths, Natural therapy products and Healings are also available as are PSYCHIC READINGS and Health Intuitive Sessions. All items brought into my shop have been chosen with my intuitive senses and Reiki blessing. you will feel the power of healing energy the moment you step inside.
Visit me at
147 Long Rd
Gallery Walk
Mount Tamborine